Professional Experience

I am fortunate to have over thirty years assisting clients in realizing the potential of Information. I learned a lot along the way, andI left an imprint on each organization while helping them attain their goals.

August 1, 2009

EMC Kazeon (OpenText)

Electronic Discovery and Information Governance Senior Director

August 1, 2009
October 1, 2005

Hewlett Packard

Global Electronic Discovery and Compliance Manager

October 1, 2005
August 1, 2000

Arthur Andersen

Technical Manager of Risk Management Products

August 1, 2000
August 1, 1997


Manager for Web Technologies

August 1, 1997
April 1, 1995


IT Manager

April 1, 1995
July 1, 1993


Senior Consultant

July 1, 1993