SAIC-KAPL: Albany New York and San Diego California: Knoll Atomic Power Labatory (KAPL) the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP).
Designed, installed, and integrated the following products: Content Server with Trusted Content services, WebTop, Documentum Administrator, Digital Asset Manager, Media Services, Thumbnail server, WebPublisher, Site Caching Services, eRoom Server, eRoom client, eRoom Real Time Services, Content Rendition Services, Records Manager Server, Records Manager Administrator, Records Manager client, Brava, Ftp Services and integrations with Dreamweaver, and WebDAV, Application Builder, Application Installer, Adobe Forms Server, MacLaren DocLoader,
Intel: Phoenix, Arizona
Created and delivered an architectural design for the global installation of Intel. There were three geographical regions and hundreds of satellite offices. I developed options depending on the performance also including IP accelerators to make the most of the connections.
First Data Corp: Omaha, Nebraska
Designed, installed, and integrated the following products in Omaha: Content Server, WebTop, Documentum Administrator, Digital Asset Manager, Media Services, Thumbnail server, Content Rendition Services, Records Manager Server, Records Manager Administrator, Records Manager client, Content Intelligence Services, Ftp Services, WebDAV, Application Builder, Application Installer
XL Capital: Stamford, Connecticut
Created and delivered an architectural document and design document for the global installation of XL. There were three geographical regions. The company is based in Bermuda which allows a tax incentive. Yet, the issue was to show that data needs to originate in Bermuda so XL can enjoy this advantage. The solution utilized Citrix metaframe. The docbases were distributed content and central, depending if policies were local or global.
Tim Noonan provided the BearingPoint team with considerable input and assistance during his time on the project. He provided a draft logical architecture that is being refined into a deliverable. I would gladly work with Tim Noonan on any future project. His attitude, technical knowledge, and hands-on skills are particularly noteworthy
Terry Anderson, BearingPoint Project Manager
Tycon6: Washington DC
Tycon6 is a government agency that provides information to the FBI, CIA, and DIA. Information is imported into the system. First it will get translated into English and relevancy is determined. Once complete it is classified in either into two secret classifications. FTP services are used for importing the data. I installed Media services, Thumb nail server, Content Server, and Digital Asset Manager. I customized DAM in order to have two access points. One access point will allow a user to access Open data without being challenged for a password. The other access point challenges the user. I designed the docbase to allow up to 120 tera-bytes to data. The largest Documentum repository install. I created a workflow that will copy files between docbases, once it is determined the classification of the data.
Bloomberg: New York, New York
Designed a system that will gather information about companies, process its relevancy and deposit the information into a Documentum repository. This system was designed to handle an average of 1.4 millions automatic workflows a day. I built in load balancing and fail-over. I utilized Bloomberg’s Disaster recovery site in managing workflow over-flows.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board: Washington DC
PCAOB was founded as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Inspectors would go to the client sites and determine if there were any irregularities. This was accomplished by using the off-line client with the Documentum’s Desk top client. The inspectors would deposit the data for review by internal inspectors, which was based off a workflow for processing. Utilizing Oracle RAC, EMC SAN designed for 7 terabytes of data. Created an Active-Active Fail-over/Load Balancing system.
Cendant: Parsippany, New Jersey
Designed and implemented an information repository for eDiscovery. I designed a system utilizing Document’s Content Server as a repository and integrating Records Management and Record Services for Email.
Department of Homeland Security: Transportation Administration Security: Washington DC
Designed a workflow process mirroring the business process for managing and addressing questions that would be brought forth in font of congressional hearings. Meeting with the departments under the Deputy Administrator: Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the Administrator and Chief Operating Office, Office of the Associate Administrator and Chief Systems Support Officer, and Office of Legislative Affairs. Created Process Diagrams and roles and built pilot for review.
Élan Pharmaceutical, San Diego
Developed system for submission management utilizing CoreDossier to publish compound documents. Integrated MS SharePoint/Teamcenter with the Documentum repository for collaboration in the development of documents. Develop a monitoring system using Oracle’s AERS to reduce time in reporting adverse reactions.
Fujisawa Healthcare (Astellas Pharma), Deerfield, IL
Designed a global architecture for global submissions management