Category: Community

  • When Worlds Collide

    When Worlds Collide

    Yesterday I was invited to speak on Know Your Rights, in the activist parlance known as KYR. I am a seasoned IT professional focusing on Governance Risk & Compliance with a strong Cybersecurity bent. I use the word “seasoned”, because things did get a bit spicy yesterday. My fellow speaker immigrant rights attorney Caroline Shoenberger…

  • Second Chance for the Second City

    Second Chance for the Second City

    Today is October 8, 2024. 153 years ago, the Great Chicago Fire began and burned until October 10th. The city was nearly obliterated. The fire claimed about 300 lives, destroyed some 17,450 buildings covering almost 3.5 square miles, and caused $200 million in damage. About one-third of the city lay in ruins, and an equal…

  • Support Chicago Artists

    Support Chicago Artists

    image by Nate Otto