Support Chicago Artists

Image by Nate Otto

Frank Lloyd Wright made his name here in Chicago. Archibald Motley captured the vibrance of “The stroll” on the south side. The cantankerous Rudolph Weisenborn kept abstract art alive. There is a wonderful exhibit that just opened of Edgar Miller at DePaul Art Museum that goes till February. There is a current exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago on the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Georgia O’Keeffe in New York that closes later this month. Chicago hosted Bauhaus that started in Germany, later to become the Design Institute with Aaron Siskind and Harry Callahan. Then there is the group known as Hairy Who that brought us Karl Wirsum and Ed Paschke’s Neo-Expressionism.

Chicago has current artists too. Theaster Gates, Kerry James Marshall and the recent departed Richard Hunt, just to name a few. These are major players in the international art scene.

So why is there a war on art in Chicago? There have been closings and reductions in arts education. American Academy of Art College closed in July after 101 years. Chicago Public Schools are leaving art teacher positions unfilled. Columbia College announced phasing out 18 majors. Columbia is an art school!

What can be done? How can we fight back this trend? It is simple. Buy art. Support local artists. Listen to their music. Experience their creations. Get to know them and discover their passion. Go to the art openings. Tell your friends. Share posts on social media. Make art an important aspect of your life. On September 28, 2024, the Beverly Arts Alliance is hosting the Beverly Art Walk. If you love an art scene, support it. It would be devastating to lose art and those who create it. Artists will find an audience here in Chicago or somewhere else that appreciates there work. After all, they can not help it, they are artists.

(image by Nate Otto)